Hula Halau Ke 'Olu Makani O Mauna Loa

Hula Halau Ke 'Olu Makani O Mauna Loa
Hula Halau Ke 'Olu Makani O Mauna Loa Photo by J. Osprey

Monday, July 28, 2014

I love dogs. I think that we all feel that our dogs are special. It's normal. We experience the early months with happy kisses and puppy breath, wagging tails and we have so much fun watching them grow and learn, training them how to fetch a ball or catch the frizbee. Those are special times. I am still working on the fetch thing with Woody. After all this time trying to teach him, he just doesn't get it yet. I think he doesn't see well or maybe he's a little dense. I don't know, but he is still very special to me.

He does not bark at strangers. He doesn't bark at all. He's actually a very disciplined dog. He just has that special quality about him. He doesn't eat much either. From what I've seen the ants take most of his food away before he gets to it.  He looks like any other dog though, he is big, brown, has big droopy ears, sits and stays. He's really good at that! He's an outdoor dog which is good and the weather never bothers him. I have a special dog house for him and he seems to like old phone booth for my Superdog. Hot, cold, raining, it's just no big deal to him. He just sits there watching over his domain.

He is always there for me. When I need a friend I can go out and sit with him and tell him my troubles and I think he kinda' understands. We are good for each other. We can sit for hours, just me and my dog, doing nothing but enjoying our quality time together. These times for us are priceless. He will be in my heart forever!

He is fearless. He is a true Superdog. A Warrior dog...afraid of nothing, except maybe termites.

                                                      Here is a picture of my dog Woody.

Woody the Superdog
True story folks.     "In dog years, I would be dead".

Thank you Woody.

J.Osprey.   A hui ho!

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